Bighorn National Forest

Unnamed Road , Kaycee, WY 82639
lat/lng: 44,-107
Added by: david-peregoff-2-2

Bighorn offers spectacular offroading trails and scenery. There are all different terrains from flat, to steep and hill climbs, to mud and gravel to water crossings. Please treat the land with respect and do not go off the trails! The Bighorn Mountains offer spectacular scenery and plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreations for ORVs. With those opportunities come the responsibility to care for the land. By far, the majority of Forest users do have a good land use ethic. However, it only takes a few irresponsible people to degrade and destroy the natural heritage the mountains offer. Over the last decade, Wyoming has seen a significant increase in recreation use on public land. One of the most frequently violated regulations is motor vehicles being used off designated roads or on closed roads and trails. This misuse causes extensive resource damage and disturbance to wildlife as well as to other recreation users. Please be a conscientious ORV operator and stay on designated motorized routes. Please see link below for here the Bighorn National Forest Motor Vehicle Use Map Link:


Address: 1345 Fort Rd, Sheridan, WY 82801

Contact Info:

phone: 307-674-2600

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all types mud water forest bumpy rocky steep scenic desert rock crawling gravel dirt granite slick water crossing mountainous obstacles wooded tight squeeze

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