, Custer, SD 57730
lat/lng: 43.9166,-103.6671
Added by: david-peregoff-2-2
There are 1.2 million beautiful acres of the Black Hills National Forest in western South Dakota. And off-road enthusiasts can access and enjoy many thousands of those acres by using the Black Hills National Forest Motorized Trail System – consisting of over 3,600 miles of roads and over 600 miles of trails for ATV, UTV and other off-road riders. Included are 90 miles of single-track trails for motorcycles; 347 miles of trails for vehicles 62 inches and less in width in South Dakota; and 72 miles of trails for vehicles 50 inches and less in width in Wyoming. There is also 148 miles of trails open to all. The system incorporates a large number of looped trails and includes parking access from 20 trail heads. It is important to obtain the most current Black Hills Forest Service map when you come to the Black Hills to ride. The map is updated annually to correct mapping errors, add newly constructed motorized trails or remove motorized trails that are in timber sale areas. Routes are not always signed on the ground, but will be identified on the map. It is your responsibility to stay on the designated trails. The Black Hills National Forest encourages all motorized users to follow the Tread Lightly!
phone: 605-355-3700
web site: http://www.blackhillsbadlands.com/outdoor-recreation/atv-roading
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all types mud water forest bumpy rocky steep scenic desert rock crawling gravel dirt granite slick water crossing mountainous obstacles wooded tight squeeze
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