Durhamtown Offroad Resort

2350 Randolph Church Rd. , Union Point, GA 30669
lat/lng: 33.67272337215688,-82.99883556820068
Added by: Unknown

When looking for a trail for all kinds of trekking, Durhamtown in Union Point, Georgia is the place to go. It’s a 6,000-acre resort for dirt bikes, ATVs, sidexsides, Jeeps, and other 4×4 rock crawlers. With 14 tracks and 150 one-way trails, riders of all skill levels can test their driving skills in all types of scenarios. Plus, there are 40 miles of trails and 3 obstacle areas just for Jeeps. When it comes to winding down, guests can make use of the lodging, RV site, or camping area.

Contact Info:

phone: 706-622-4108
web site: http://www.durhamtown.com/

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all types mud water forest bumpy rocky steep scenic desert rock crawling gravel dirt granite slick water crossing mountainous obstacles wooded tight squeeze

Trail Reviews

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Member since Dec 13, 2017

Fun for everyone

Submitted on Jan 15, 2018

Most trails are very easy, but there are a couple decent obstacles. Bypasses are available around any obstacles. LOTS of mud in Jeep Park 2 (left out of main clubhouse).