Pichacho Peak

, Paicines, CA 95043
lat/lng: 36.361665229403,-120.75885362493
Added by: Unknown

This trail is located in the Clear Creek Management Area, a 50,000-acre OHV park managed by the Hollister Field Office of the BLM. The park includes fun roads for stock SUVs and has many excellent ATV and dirt bike trails. Many old cinnabar mines (an ore used to make mercury) are scattered around the park but most are off limits for safety reasons. Narrow, steep and rocky with tight, scratchy brush. The worst sections are best done with lockers, but these sections can be bypassed. Hot and dusty in the summer. During wet periods, the park may be closed because roads become impassable. Best time to go is late fall and early spring when soil is moist but not wet. Route-finding is complex. Watch for rattlesnakes in the dry months. Stay on designated routes.

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all types mud water forest bumpy rocky steep scenic desert rock crawling gravel dirt granite slick water crossing mountainous obstacles wooded tight squeeze

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