Arroyo Seco Del Diablo , CA
lat/lng: 32.887111928969,-116.16155107776
Added by: Unknown
The state park service and various guidebooks about the region list this trail as being one-way-only because of the steep, challenging Diablo Drop Off located near Fish Creek. Although it does not look particularly difficult as you stand at the top and look down, the loose sand makes it difficult to impossible for a vehicle to return up the drop-off. The trail leaves the easier route along Vallecito Wash 1.1 miles west of the intersection with Canyon sin Nombre. It travels up Arroyo Seco del Diablo, a side wash of Vallecito Canyon. For most of the way it twists within this sandstone canyon, traveling in the sandy wash. The loose and fragile walls of the canyon mean that rock and sand falls are common, and you are likely to have to climb over fallen debris. On windy days, dust and sand pour off the canyon walls like miniature waterfalls. Special Attractions: Challenging Diablo Drop Off; Twisting canyon of Arroyo Seco del Diablo through the Carrizo Badlands. High-clearance 4WDs are required. This trail has either a rough, rutted surface, rocks up to 9 inches, mud and deep sand that may be impassable for inexperienced drivers, or stream crossings up to 18 inches deep. Certain sections may be steep enough to cause traction problems, and you may encounter very narrow shelf roads with steep drop-offs and tight clearance between rocks or trees.
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all types mud water forest bumpy rocky steep scenic desert rock crawling gravel dirt granite slick water crossing mountainous obstacles wooded tight squeeze
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Submitted on Jul 27, 2018
This trail was fun. Awesome surroundings, easy up to the drop. I did diablos drop in my 18 stock jku sport. I got lucky there was a line I could do with a spotter. I hear it changes all the time, but when I went it does look tough. 2 ways to enter, both needing lifts and bigger tires, lots of deep grooves were spaced so heavy off camber and some steep drops. Couple smaller slightly challenging spots after are fun. Nice campground also at the end of the trail or camp in the canyons right before. Had a spot on the right in the canyons where you can drive your jeep up a small rock incline to a ledge and park, had a fire ring and plenty of room. Awesome trail, want to go back!