Brown Road , Adams, NY 13605
lat/lng: 43.735822,-75.972737
Added by: Unknown
Located in Savory Mountain State Park. Brown Rd. is great for the mildly modifed ZR2 Blazer and Jeeps with a 2" lift and 31
Use this address for navigation: Brown Rd, Smithville, NY 13605
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all types mud water forest bumpy rocky steep scenic desert rock crawling gravel dirt granite slick water crossing mountainous obstacles wooded tight squeeze
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Submitted on May 28, 2017
Submitted on May 28, 2017
Road is pretty easy to find. Just a few miles from nearest small town. Look for some of the roads off of Brown Rd. like Bishop. I went down that one and it was good. Only a mile or two but if you continue down brown there are some other ones. Easy trails for stock jeeps or if your new to wheeling. I would suggest 4 wheel drive.