1228 St. Lawrence Road , Patton, PA 16668
lat/lng: 40.6753299,-78.6471438
Added by: Unknown
"Rock Run started out with 50 miles of trails for ATVs, UTVs, and dirtbikes. With the help of the Yamaha Trails Initiative Program, we were able to add an additional 20 miles of trails. Rock Run now provides over 140 miles of trails that you can enjoy on whatever type of machine you like. We have also worked with multiple volunteer groups from the OHV community and developed a trail system that provides enjoyment and challenges for the everyday driver to the most extreme OHV’s." -RockRunRecreation.com
Rock Run is set in the rural parts of northern Cambria and southern Clearfield Counties
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all types mud water forest bumpy rocky steep scenic desert rock crawling gravel dirt granite slick water crossing mountainous obstacles wooded tight squeeze
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Submitted on Nov 24, 2018
Great place. Only $27 for the day. Lots of trails. They have jeep only trails or you can ride on all the four wheeler trails as well. Great place