7468 Old Mt Olive Rd , Gardendale, AL 35071
lat/lng: 33.725428,-86.890676
Added by: Unknown
Another great Alabama Jeep off roading spot is Gray Rock ORV Park. Gray Rock ORV Park is located in Mt. Olive Alabama off Old Mount Olive Road. Gray Rock is a privately-owned tract in central Alabama, north of Birmingham. The park is open by reservation or event only. You need to check their calendar on the web site to learn of upcoming events. Fees are dependent on the specific event or the number of people in the party reserving the park. Camping is allowed. Gray Rock ORV Park does not allow ATVs. It does however allow for Jeeps and other off road vehicles!!! Gray Rock is available for organizations and groups to rent for events and Rock Crawl Competitions. There are tons of trails from beginner to extreme. It was recently featured in Petersons 4�4 Magazine. Check out the Gray Rock ORV Park website to view tons of pictures of past events or for information on reserving the park for your own entertainment!!!
Gray Rock ORV Park is located in Mt. Olive Alabama off Old Mount Olive Road
phone: 205-841-5337
web site: https://www.facebook.com/GrayRockOrvPark
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all types mud water forest bumpy rocky steep scenic desert rock crawling gravel dirt granite slick water crossing mountainous obstacles wooded tight squeeze
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Submitted on Jan 09, 2020
This Park is not open to the public. Private events only.