Big Tooth Ridge

Sfr 4 A Rd , Bruno, MN 55712
lat/lng: 46.39423,-92.377075
Added by: david-peregoff-2-2

This trail is located inside the Nemadji State Forest, like alot of trails in this area. It is fairly short, only clocking about 4.5 miles long but is fairly entertaining especially after there has been some good rainfall! When it is wet/after snow has melted then you can expect sink-holes, wash-outs and deadfall along most of the trail. During dry times I would rate this trail beginner level, but when it is wet I would up it to a moderate to borderline expert depending on conditions. Hope this short and sweet trial give you more time out playing


Located near Nickerson Township, MN 55712

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all types mud water forest bumpy rocky steep scenic desert rock crawling gravel dirt granite slick water crossing mountainous obstacles wooded tight squeeze

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Member since Jun 08, 2020

Don't bother

Submitted on Jun 20, 2020

This is typical Wisconsin for Jeeping. Just access roads for people who ATV. Waste of time and gas. Don't bother!