Thompsonville tunnel

40623 Thompsonville Road , Wilkesville, OH 45695
lat/lng: 39.12139608705769,-82.38105539232367
Added by: kissy0002

Nice old train tunnel that you can drive thru. Contains rocks and water.


Trail drops off the road to the right coming from 32. Pay attention or you will miss it.

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all types mud water forest bumpy rocky steep scenic desert rock crawling gravel dirt granite slick water crossing mountainous obstacles wooded tight squeeze

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Member since Sep 04, 2023

Thompsonville tunnel

Submitted on Sep 05, 2023

Closed blocked off by giant blocks

Member since Feb 10, 2022

Great first time adventure for Anyone with a 4WD and stock 4Runner can do this.

Submitted on Feb 10, 2022

The trail was fun. The north entrance was sketchy yesterday but that was because it was the north eastern entrance and ice was prevalent and fully covering the ground.and what appeared to be deep water and ice. Wasn’t sure if I would stay on top of the ice go thru or slide into the wall. So I chickened out drove around the mountain to the other end and decided it was safe to traverse. So I entered the other end: once in side it was amazing there was a lot more dirt and a couple big rocks good for standing on and getting photos. After a few photos I made it to the first of 3 big puddles. The first one was deep 1.5-2 feet. Maybe more. Idk I didn’t get out to measure. I drove thru slowly. And got to the other end. Then there was the second puddle this one had icy water. And as I entered the ice broke and started to make me an icebreaker with ice flows moving around and making icy waves. This was probably 1.5 feet deep. Then comes the last puddle that was 2ft deep easily. With a ton of ice. So broke up a lot and then got to the entrance where there was, THE MOUND. Of ice 3 feet in depth 1.5 feet high and across the front of the whole tunnel. With giant ice sickles hanging down from the top. When I popped up on top the first time. I slid to the right towards the wall. And stopped put it in reverse backed up 5-10 ft and stopped and thought about backing up the 1/4 mile tunnel. And decided no I could not turn back. So I punched it and popped up over the top of the ice berm. And got traction on the other side wand was able to pull out. It was super fun, first time adventure definitely a great first time adventure.

Member since Nov 28, 2020

Nice scenic route

Submitted on Nov 28, 2020

Rocky and deep in one spot depending on which way your entering the tunnel. Definitely a neat drive through the abandoned tunnel. Strongly suggest take pics while you're in or going through.

Member since Nov 28, 2020

Nice scenic route

Submitted on Nov 28, 2020

Rocky and deep in one spot depending on which way your entering the tunnel. Definitely a neat drive through the abandoned tunnel. Strongly suggest take pics while you're in or going through.