15 Ossipee Hill Rd , Waterboro, ME 4030
lat/lng: 43.58893487945202,-70.70994636431618
Added by: bigsexy
Very Rocky Hill Climb
Follow mclucas Road till it turns to dirt and there's a few different ways you can get to the top of the mountain on your right
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all types mud water forest bumpy rocky steep scenic desert rock crawling gravel dirt granite slick water crossing mountainous obstacles wooded tight squeeze
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Submitted on Oct 11, 2023
Drove it on October 8, 2023. Trail was easy, no meaningfully technical spots, dry all the way through. Nothing requiring any major ground clearance, pretty much any stock 4x4 could probably do it with appropriate tires. There are a couple of fairly steep climbs with loose gravel roads. Someone on a more road-centric tire may have issues finding traction. We were able to do the whole road in RWD on 33” Baja Boss A/Ts There was one section of the road that had recently been eroded/washed out, making a 50m section more narrow than the rest of the road. Our Xterra with mostly-stock geometry fit fine, but vehicles much wider than an X/4runner etc may find it a little squirrelly If you're wondering whether or not you and your vehicle can do this road, you can =)
Submitted on Oct 11, 2023
Drove it on October 8, 2023. Trail was easy, no meaningfully technical spots, dry all the way through. Nothing requiring any major ground clearance, pretty much any stock 4x4 could probably do it with appropriate tires. There are a couple of fairly steep climbs with loose gravel roads. Someone on a more road-centric tire may have issues finding traction. We were able to do the whole road in RWD on 33” Baja Boss A/Ts There was one section of the road that had recently been eroded/washed out, making a 50m section more narrow than the rest of the road. Our Xterra with mostly-stock geometry fit fine, but vehicles much wider than an X/4runner etc may find it a little squirrelly If you're wondering whether or not you and your vehicle can do this road, you can =)
Submitted on Nov 03, 2021
Fun, easy trail with some steep climbs and scenic overlooks. 10/10 would drive again. 1.5 year old and wife had a blast too!
Submitted on Mar 14, 2020
Submitted on Mar 14, 2020