1024 French Quarter Creek Road , Huger, SC 29450
lat/lng: 32.99881699394314,-79.81203621936118
Added by: spkelly1994
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all types mud water forest bumpy rocky steep scenic desert rock crawling gravel dirt granite slick water crossing mountainous obstacles wooded tight squeeze
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Submitted on Mar 23, 2021
This was a great trail my wife and brother in law loved it and they even got a little wet
Submitted on Mar 23, 2021
This was a great trail my wife and brother in law loved it and they even got a little wet
Submitted on Feb 11, 2021
The main trail is open with a few water holes. There are side off shoots that deadhead but have some deep mud and water holes.
Submitted on Feb 11, 2021
The main trail is open with a few water holes. There are side off shoots that deadhead but have some deep mud and water holes.
Submitted on Feb 11, 2021
The main trail is open with a few water holes. There are side off shoots that deadhead but have some deep mud and water holes.
Submitted on Feb 11, 2021
The main trail is open with a few water holes. There are side off shoots that deadhead but have some deep mud and water holes.
Submitted on Feb 11, 2021
The main trail is open with a few water holes. There are side off shoots that deadhead but have some deep mud and water holes.
Submitted on Feb 11, 2021
The main trail is open with a few water holes. There are side off shoots that deadhead but have some deep mud and water holes.
Submitted on Feb 11, 2021
The main trail is open with a few water holes. There are side off shoots that deadhead but have some deep mud and water holes.